Saturday, October 24, 2009

that's better

Black. It's so much better than that burgundy/pinky gross colour it was before!
Yep, finally we painted the front door.
Something else I have had on my list since before we moved in (last year) but was not on DH's list. I feel so much better.
Except for the part where we only did one coat so we put the roller, brush and tray in the freezer with the Black Marine Enamel 'til we get a chance to touch it up. And in the mean time everything in my freezer tastes like Black Marine Enamel... I can feel my brain cells dying.... But it's cute right?

Friday, October 23, 2009

let there be light

Changes. Yep, there have been some changes around this house. But of course if you are reading this blog there is no way you would know since I have been MIA. But really I am sorry. I never said consistency was my strong suit.
Fall has come to our house and with it school, soccer and almost full time hours for me at work. Actually last week I worked 44 hours over one weekend. Phew. Makes me tired just thinking of it. Ok. Enough apologizing. On to the developments around here.
I made a cool arrangement at LTO (Ladies Time Out). It is mostly boxwood in oasis so it will live a long time. I got the cute pumpkin pick at Michael's, R picked it out.
I think it is fun and festive. We made it before Thanksgiving (which was 15 people at our house) and it is still in great shape. There are other cute pumpkin-y decs around the living room but I need to take more pics before I show you that. So for now, this will have to do.

The next development is........
My sconces! I planned these since before we had the house, but alas the wiring needed to be run and it wasn't someone's top priority. So I circumvented the boss (DH) and asked the electrician directly how much it would be to add on the wiring of my 2 sconces to the mess he was doing in the basement. The answer? Basically negligible. It was less than a hundred bucks, and the sconces themselves, less than 30 each. A steal I say!
It adds much needed light and character to the living room. And I love them!